This book is a remarkable collection of over two-hundred authentic case studies over forty years of the author's past lives which provide surprising insights of life in different societies and times gone by, and alien lives on other planets.
It is an uplifting and inspiring story of triumph over adversity, of self-determination to heal hidden, unconscious, past life traumas and grief, and move on with one's life. It is a message of hope that illness can be overcome with the right guidance, and that there is life after death.
One should never despair and never, never, give up.
Understanding Past Lives
Chapter 1
Extra Terrestrial
Chapter 2
Ancient Egypt
Seti I [d 1279 BC]
Aisha-Ramesses II [1304-1214 BC]
Khufu [c 2570 BC]
Hatshepsut [1507-1458 BC]
Pre-Dynastic Egypt - Before 5000 BC
Chapter 3
Tutankhamun [r.1347-1337 BC] Ankhesenamun
Smenkhare [r.1351-1348 BC]
King Tutankhamun - A Murder Plot
The Last Day - A Slow and Painful Death
A Desert Funeral - An Uncertain Future - Life Without Tutankhamun
Married to Ay - Death of Ay
King Horemheb [1333-1305 BC]
Another Wedding
A Pain that Never Dies
Chapter 4
Akhenaten [r.1353-1336 BC]
Nefertiti [c.1370-c.1330 BC]
Horemheb Speaks: The Truth
Rebellion - Famine - Plague
Death of Nefertiti
Death of Akhenaten
A Regency: Ay
Chapter 5
Roman Egypt
Scenes of Egyptian Life
Thebes: A Love Story - A Crisis
Roman Invasion and Surrender
Visions of Egypt - Marc Anthony [83 BC - 30 BC]
Octavian [63 BC - 14 AD]
Cleopatra [69 BC - 30 BC]
Marc Anthony's Death [30 BC]
Chapter 6
Imperial Rome
Claudius [AD 41-54 AD]
Octavian [63 BC-August 14 AD]
Rome: Civil War [31 BC]
Julius Caesar [July 100 - March 44 BC]
Roman Battles
Battle of Teutoburg Forest [AD 9]
Chapter 7
Palestine - Central America [1200 BC]
Persia [Ancient Iran]
Anatolia [Southern Turkey]
Ancient Greece - Africa and India
Chapter 8
Middle Ages
Erasmus Da Rotterdam [1466-1536]
Richard the Lionheart [1157-1199]
Chapter 9
Lives in the Monastery
Chapter 10
13th Century China
The Great Wall - The Mongols Are Coming
In the Thick of Battle
On the Attack - A Snapshot
Chapter 11
Ancient Japan
Life at the Top
Samurai - A Pointless War
First Samurai - A Life of Self Denial
Second Samurai - A Powerful Man
Chapter 12
Revolutionary France [1789-99]
A Blood Relative of Louis XVI
An Execution - Death by Guillotine
Jean Pierre [Napoleon's Army]
Waterloo [1815] The Aftermath
A Life Story - Death on the Battlefield
A 19th Century Beau
A French Soldier-Waterloo-Another Death
Chapter 13
Wild Bill [Bill Hickok] [1837-76]
Regrets - Watching Over Me
Stuck by Me - A Lasting Presence
Chapter 14
Native American Lives 19th Century
Scenes of Indian Life - A Hunt - A Tragic Death - An Assassin - A Family
Wounded Knee [1890]
Black Hills - South Dakota USA
Little Big Horn [1876] An Ominous Sight: Custer
Wounded Knee - Genocide
Sitting Bull [1831-1890]
On the Attack - Custer
White Man's Greed - The Power of Deceit
Through Death Into A Native American Life
Chapter 15
Tudor England
Catherine Parr [1512-1548] - Henry VIII [1491-1547]
A Happy Couple - A Good Wife
Elizabeth I [1533-1603] An Unhappy Life?
Henry VIII's True Love
17th Century England
Charles I [r. 1625-1649] An Appearance
18th and 19th Century England
Horatio Nelson [1758-1805] - Battle at Sea
A Galleon White Sails 17/18th Century
Pirates - Battle at Sea
Victorian England
Life in Victorian London
Childhood Memories Now and Past
Charlotte Bronte [1816-1855]
Dreams and Disappointment - A Love which was not Love - Death [1855]
Currer Bell: Fame - Regrets-Death-A Release
The End of All Dreams - Last Moments
Queen Victoria [1819-1901] Princess Alice [1843-1878]
A Palace Reception - A Short Life [1843 - 1878]
George V [1865-1936]-Tsar Nicholas II - In Mourning
A Most Determined Woman - Alice: Looking Back
A Lasting Bond - Happy Memories - A Summer Evening
Confessions - JB Happy Again - An Ungrateful Son
Forever Mourning - Victoria and JB -Bertie in Paris
Alice of Hesse [Married 1 July 1862]
Straight from her Heart - Hospital Nurse - A Child's Death - Unhappiness
A Wedding like a Funeral - A Life of Disappointment
Victoria - With an Open Heart
Chapter 16
Nicholas II of Russia [1868-1918]
A Doomed Man - A Cruel Death [1917]
Chapter 17
World War One [1914-18]
On the Attack - A Soldier Somme Battlefield
A Mixed Bag - Shot in the Head
Chapter 18
Wilfred Owen [1893-1918]
Crying Over the Past - Early Life - Deception - The Last Thought - A Bitter Waste
A Brush with Death - Craiglockhart - Born Again - The Poet Within
The Canal -A Death Experience -Earthbound - Unable to Let Go
The Pain of Disillusionment - A Burning Question- A Bitter Man
A Mother's Love - The Light Tunnel - Visions of Death
The End of Youthful Dreams - The Lion Cubs
Susan Owen: The Pain of It All
A Broken Man - Like a Lamb to Slaughter - A Band of Brothers
Susan Owen: Life without Wilfred
A 'Gay' Question
Images of War - A Spokesman for All Soldiers - Regrets
What Would I Have Been Had I Lived?
Chapter 19
World War Two [1939-1945]
A German Firing Squad - The Red Army in the Snow
The Katyn Massacre [1946]
Defending Polish Skies - An Orgy of Killings
The Forest Then and Now
A Sad Memory - The Mass Grave
El Alamein North Africa [1942]
A Plane Crash - An Honourable Man: Rommel
RAF Bomber Pilot - Death in the Desert - The Cemeteries
Montgomery - Airmen
Rommel: A Sudden Death [14 October 1944]
Death in the Desert - Death in the Desert Part II
Battle of Normandy [1944]
A Flashback - An Aviator
US Army-Normandy Landings
A Marine - An All-American Town - Going Home in a Box
A German Teenage Soldier - Berlin
The End of the War - Berlin [1945]
Berlin 1944 - HMS Sikh [Tunisia 13 December 1941]
1944 - A Russian and German Soldier - Berlin
The Russians Are Coming
A German Soldier - An Execution- A Pilgrimage to Normandy
Kamikaze - A Youth Denied
Battle of Midway [1942]
Battle on a Pacific Island - A Brutal Death
Marines - Japanese Soldiers
An Illusion of Peace
Westerbork Transit Camp North-Eastern Netherlands
A Pilgrimage to a Nazi Past
Chapter 20
The Vietnam War [1955-75]
A Vietnamese Life [1955]
Other Wars
Recent Wars
Chapter 21
More Lives
Diana Princess of Wales [1961-1997] - A Cosmic Vision - A Message for William and Harry
Notes 207
1. Another Galaxy
A Revelation
THIS MEDITATION TOOK me by surprise.
'I recalled a Life on a Planet like Crypton in the film Superman. It was a surreal landscape, and I was standing on a rock with a man, and we were both dressed in long, velvet tunics of a wonderful shade of blue and we were very, very, tall. That was a very, very long time ago.'
205. Life as an Alien
A Big Surprise. One-hour regression. Another unexpected Past Life
'I suddenly felt and looked different. I had a small pointed face, large oblong eyes like those of a gazelle, a small pointed nose and thin mouth. I was wearing a black cap on my head which formed a large arch well above the eyes and narrowed down to a point between them. Also, a dress-like top, pleated horizontally with raised shoulders. I looked slim and small, although I was my actual size. I was an Alien, I came from another Galaxy, from another Planet. That was eons ago.'
Ancient Egypt
32.Aisha-Ramesses II [1304-1214 BC]
'Aisha lived in Egypt - she was me - and I was beautiful and very sought after. Aisha was not Egyptian, she was half Assyrian, half Mede derivation and a very beautiful woman. I loved Egypt as my own country for my parents travelled there to live when I was tiny. There were trading and political duties for my father, and we all integrated well into Egyptian life. I always thought of myself as Egyptian for I loved my life in these times so much. My family lived at the court in Egypt and my beauty was famed. The Great King - this was the title of the King - Ramesses II, heard of my beauty and sought me out. He wooed me and I delighted him. He made me one of his concubines and showered me with gifts.
My older life was equally happy.
I then became a minor wife. I bore my king twins and he loved both girls dearly and we all lived in comfort. I lived happily in that Life and was at peace with myself. I travelled back to the country of my birth several times. I also looked to the past and future and had vivid dreams of future events which I often told others.'
147.Pre-Dynastic Egypt
'I am in the Desert, the wind blows the sand, a sand storm is approaching like a huge wave of dust sweeping across the Desert, engulfing all it encounters, a white dense mass devouring everything that stands in its way, frightening, the sky disappears, threatening. I am tall, young and good looking, black liquid eyes, wear a turban and a white tunic, my skin is dark. I stare into the Desert, the sand is golden, the sky deep blue and all is peace - a caravan of people and camels carrying goods pass me by, there is an oasis with water and palm trees.
I am a much older man now, still with a white turban and tunic, sandals. I have a thick, white, moustache, feel sadness in my heart. The people from the east [I see the Desert, but I am actually looking west] came on us like locusts, hungry and angry. They took our harvests and possessions, and stole our women. We violently clashed with them, with ferocity, many of us died, the desert sand red with blood. We fought and fought them until we pushed them back, pursuing them back into their lands.
I see a mud-brick village resplendent in the strong sunlight. We all joined in the fight - young and old - I lost two sons. Will they come again? I am a strong man, but I cry. I dug a deep hole in the desert sand and placed the bodies of my two sons in it and bade them goodbye. Ah, the pain of it all! I watched them disappear as I threw the sand into the pit until it was full and there was no trace of it.
That was sometime ago, but the pain is still there, their memories alive in me. I am an old man now and look back to the past as I have no future. My wife died years ago, and I am alone. We have been at peace since we fought the Easteners, we beat them so badly, they dared not come back. Our village is thriving, the harvests are good, the Nile plentiful.
I spend my days sitting on the riverbank crying, thinking about my sons, and the pain does not go away. I will soon join them and we shall be together again. I am very old. Villagers find me there, carry me home and lay me on the floor, they will bury me in the desert, with some possessions. It is over.'
What was the last thought? There is a spasm in my solar plexus, rising into my heart. 'I felt regret that my sons died before me, young, they never had a life of their own. I called them out as I gently stepped out of my body. Death was kind to me. I was eager to go and floated up towards a big round Light shrouded in a misty halo, like bright moonlight in the dark-blue sky.' I cry. [13.16]
Imperial Rome
42.Claudius [AD 41-54]
'I REGRESSED TO a Roman Life. I was wearing sandals, a tunic, a gold crown, and there were buildings and pillars around me, Rome. I went to the Senate and sat on a throne, there was a Roman General next to me, wearing helmet, armour, mantle, and he was looking/speaking to me. I moved forward in time. I was wearing armour. I was 35 years old, tall, slender, good-looking, manly. I saw a beautiful Mediterranean coast, sea merging with the sky, as if seen from above. I had a family, a wife whom I saw, children. The lesson I learnt in that Life was Commitment: to loved ones, to work, to responsibilities, to my goals. My name was Claudius. I was a Roman Emperor.' [24.5.2009]
Central America
37.Two Lives
A long regression took me back to Central America a long time ago [1200 BC].
'From the mists of Time emerged a face, then a head, then the whole figure of a man with very good, delicate features, an Indio, slim, tall, naked to the waist. He was wearing some white pants and a short band-like headdress, keeping his hair back, with very short plumage around it.
A Tribal Leader
I was that man. I was a tribal leader, a warrior, and a strong man. I was involved with the Olmec tribes. I faced a terrible threat from another tribe, the betrayal of one close family relative who wanted to take control of the group, and the hardest choice to make: what punishment to give him. I meditated to the great Sun God for many hours and eventually made my decision.
It was my brother who betrayed me. My advisors and priests wanted him to be killed as a traitor. Fortunately, they did not ask for him as sacrifice to the Gods, for one chosen for this purpose was sacred and I could not have fought it. His betrayal was cruel, but for my mother and so I sent them both and his family [but for his family I gave them choice to go or stay as they were not involved] into exile. As it happened, they all went, but one daughter who loved me as a father stayed and became part of my family. With this decision, I rested easy for it was a great crime to cause the death of a close family member in this time and I had been placed in a near impossible position. I made the right choice of how to deal with people who were a danger to me, who used my trust and sense of honour to manipulate me, but as a family I had to work out a solution without killing or sacrifice. I was revered and honoured.'
An Artist and a Shaman
'In the Life immediately after, I was a designer of complex pictures used in the art of my people - face and body painting in Neolithic times. These marks stated my family and my work as a Shamanic dream-caller. They were all marks of power and more were added as I attained more knowledge. They were seen as beautiful and enhanced me in the eyes of my people. I wove the mysteries and spiritual beliefs in subtle and symbolic form into all my work. I had a long and dedicated Life and was greatly respected by my family and fellow artists.'
Middle Ages
31.Burnt Alive: A Nasty Memory
'I saw myself on a fire pyre still alive. This Life was a few centuries ago. I refused to give myself to a powerful man, because I loved another and he did not wish me to be with anyone but him. He told lies about me and incited others against me until one day a mob seized me and put me on the pyre. It was unfair and unjustified. It was in Italy, borders area. The man who caused my death went on to take more community control, but those he worked with saw how he manipulated events and people, and he began to be distrusted. My lover was distraught. He left and walked around for seven years scraping a living and then joined a monastery and gained comfort from walking in the garden and seeing the seasons change around him. The man who caused my death ignored his actions for many years, he married and had four children. People gradually started to fear him and he became a more powerful landowner. He was not punished for his crime, there was no evidence against him and he was not blamed. I was the one he blamed for many things. Karma does not always happen immediately. He carried on as he was. That personality type would not have been able to learn this lesson. He realized when it was too late even to admit he was at fault - this was partly his punishment which, at the time, was not great. He was an evil man and his punishment was greater later. No-one liked him. He was greedy and rapacious. He did not find love in marriage, if anything, he became more power-crazed and self-obsessed. In that Life, he could ignore his own actions, but in the Life after he remembered and all he could see was the pyre and feel love and guilt. He became a religious man and punished himself again and again, never forgiving himself. He lived through this for seven years of silence and total suffering.' This, however, was of little comfort to me and did not diminish the feeling of extreme anger which got hold of me for several days' [26.5.99]
Revolutionary France [1789-99]
90.A Blood Relative of Louis XVI
I REGRESSED TO a Life in 18th century France, at the time of the French Revolution, as an aristocrat born in Paris, living at Versailles at the Court of Louis XVI very close to the King, a blood relative. I was totally unprepared for what was to follow. I stumbled upon something really bad and extraordinarily upsetting. I was sick for weeks.
'I saw a very tall athletic man by profile, with a black mark around his neck, attractive, long, wavy, chestnut-brown hair, moustache and small beard, large piercing eyes, long face, strong manly features. He reminded me of Charles II of England. He was wearing a hat, collar, cape, knee-long boots and sword, was in his late 30s early 40s and was surrounded by a light shadow. There was a large hall, full of light, the King's Hall, other people, and a huge archway flooded with light. I then saw him dressed in expensive black clothes and black shoes, travelling through the countryside in a carriage drawn by two horses. There is a building, rectangular in shape, dark inside, with steps of stone going into a basement. He was a proud man, brought up to be proud, a good man on the wrong side of the fence. Did he agree with the King's policies? I felt his pride as he stood up, very erect, to say that he totally supported the King and wanted things to stay as they were. He felt great rage the way things turned out. Was there until the end and did not try to flee, defiant to the end. Maybe regretted not leaving Paris with the King, it should have been organized better.
He had a French wife, very young and beautiful, half his age, richly dressed. white powdery wig and white skin, beautiful peach-like complexion, who loved her husband. She paid her price for her beliefs, she believed in the monarchy and lived at Court with her husband. She knew things were not right outside the Palace: inequality, and, strangely, she said 'it was good it happened' and that 'it had to happen.' She was aware of the situation more than he was. They both went to the guillotine.' I always had a need to clear my throat since I was a teenager and could not wear tight necklaces [chokers]. Now I know why. For over two weeks I was very upset with great rage and maddening fury, but decided to try again and suffer this intensely traumatic experience. [`16.6.14]
91.An Execution - Death by Guillotine
'Immediately I went stright into that Life and saw that aristocrat wearing a flowing white blouse, black trousers and shoes with buckles, and a dark-red scarf around his waist, in what looked like a cell full of light, but with a small window set deep into a thick wall and a desk under it, a Monsignor dressed in black with a small cape on his shoulders, a high-ranking prelate, talking to the aristocrat before the execution. I saw the man when he was a teenager, with large expressive eyes and beautiful face. I saw him travelling with others on the wooden cart, his hands tied behind his back, his feelings in turmoil, going through crowded streets, the populace shouting insults and menacing, a terrible sight!
I felt his disdain. I caught a glimpse of Marie Antoinette and the King. I saw a large crowded square and a wooden scaffold, wooden steps leading up to a block and the tall sinister shape of the guillotine.
Oh, what a sight!
I felt his feelings, several times felt a great urge from very deep inside, rushing up from the solar plexus with great force through the chest, neck and top of the head, but it was so overpowering that I could not release it. I tried again and again without success. I felt the full impact of those feelings and was shattered, thought my chest would explode, felt very sick and nearly threw up.
'I went up the scaffold and tried again and again to catch the last thought before death, but it eluded me. I decided to go to the death scene and saw myself as this man kneeling down on the wooden block, still covered with blood from the previous execution, and placing my head on it, but still could not get the last thought. The blade went down and the head rolled down into the basket - the headless body collapsing on the other side, blood spurting out like a fountain.'
What a sickening sight! And the cheering crowds!'
I was overwhelmed by a wave of compassion and great, great, maddening anger that it nearly knocked me off.
'There was a black, blank space - Death.'
Did the Soul go into the Light? I could not find out and could not continue. Extreme emotions and sickness took hold of me for wheeks. I could not forget what I had seen.
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Many years ago, I was receiving healing from an excellent medium who told me she believed that cancer was caused by an accumulation of un-shed tears in the patient's emotional system. We all know the psychological and physical benefits of crying when we are upset or stressed out. Suppressing emotions is a major cause of illness and that is why regression therapy is such a powerful tool in releasing unconscious ones. During these regressions, I cried buckets and released many unsuspected emotions which were festering inside me and were destroying me. A real catharsis. My friend's remark struck me, at the time and even now, as a very profound and enlightened one, an undisputable Truth.